Convened by Chris Timpson
Those on the philosophy of physics mailing list will receive an invitation to join the meetings online; others should contact the convenors directly.
Abstracts are posted weekly.
Week 1 (25 April): Simon Saunders (Oxford)
Finite frequentism explains quantum probability (or: Gibbs meets Everett)
Week 2 (2 May): Natasha Oughton (National Quantum Computing Centre)
Why quantum theory? Understanding and explanation through reconstruction
Week 3 (9 May): NO SEMINAR
Week 4 (16 May): Jingy Wu (LSE)
Between a Stone and a Hausdorff space
Week 5 (23 May):Daniel Grimmer (Oxford)
In search of new spacetimes: topological redescription via the ISE method
Week 6 (30 May): NO SEMINAR
Week 7 (6 June): Oliver Pooely (Oxford)
Dynamical versus geometrical approaches to spacetime structure
Week 8 (13 June): Giovanni Valente (Milan)
On the quantum Boltzmann equation: what is the source, if any, of irreversibility?