Convened by James Read
The following seminars will take place in person at 4.30 p.m. on Thursdays of Michaelmas Term, in the Lecture Room of Radcliffe Humanities, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6GG. Talks will also be streamed, recorded, and published on our new You Tube channel
Those on the philosophy of physics mailing list will receive an invitation to join the meetings online; others should contact the convenor directly.
Abstracts are posted weekly.
Week 1 (14th October): Sebastián Murgueitio-Ramirez (Oxford)
On Symmetries, Models and Representation
Week 2 (21st October): Kasia Rejzner (York)
Symmetries, anomalies and quantum Noether theorem
Week 3 (28th October): No seminar
Week 4 (4th November): David Wallace (Pittsburgh)
The sky is blue, and other reasons physics needs the Everett interpretation
Week 5 (11th November): Milena Ivanova (Cambridge)
What is a beautiful experiment?
Week 6 (18th November): Tomoko Kitagawa (Oxford/Science Museum)
Moscow, Oxford, or Princeton: Emmy Noether’s move from Göttingen
Week 7 (25th November): Emily Qureshi-Hurst (Oxford)
The many worries of many worlds: exploring some possible implications of Everettian quantum mechanics
Week 8 (2nd December): Neil Dewar (Cambridge)
Symmetries, quiddities, and higher-order structure>
Week 9 (9th December) BBLOC seminar: Katie Robertson (Birmingham)
On the status of thermodynamics: village witch’s trial