Philosophy of Physics Research Seminars HT 2021

Seminars given in HT 2021 are now available on You Tube

Convened by Simon Saunders
The following seminars will take place at 4.30 p.m. on Thursdays of Hilary Term online by Zoom.
A BBLOC seminar (Birmingham, Bristol, London, Oxford, Cambridge) will take place at 4.30 p.m. on 19th March.
Those on the philosophy of physics mailing list will receive an invitation to join the meetings; others should contact the convenor directly.

Abstracts are posted weekly.

Week 1 (21st Jan): Martin Lesourd (Black Hole Initiative, Harvard)
Penrose crosses the street and what’s happened since

Week 2 (28thJan): Eddy Chen (Philosophy, UCSD):
The Wentaculus: Density Matrix Realism meets the Arrow of Time

Week 3 (4th Feb): Guy Hetzroni (Open University, Israel)
Symmetry arguments, methodological equivalence and relational quantities

Week 4 (11th Feb): David Wallace (Philosophy, Pittsburgh)
Quantum Gravity at Low Energies; or: Yes, Virginia, there is a cosmological constant problem

Week 5 (18th Feb): John Norton (HPS, Pittsburgh)
How to make possibility safe for empiricists

Week 6 (25th Feb): Wayne Myrvold, (Philosophy, UWT)
Subjectivists about probability should be realist about quantum states

Week 7 (4th Mar): Nick Huggett (Philosophy, Illinois)
Missing the point in (non-commutative) field theory

Week 8 (11th Mar): Jenann Ismael (Philosophy, Columbia)
Totality, self-reference and physics

BBLOC seminar (18th Mar): Tushar Menon (Philosophy, Cambridge)

Oxford seminars given in HT 2021 are now available on You Tube