Particles and Fields
Monday 13th July (Leonard Wolfson Auditorium, Wolfson College)
1.00: Registration
Chair: Jeremy Butterfield
1.15-1.30: Simon Saunders
1.30-2.30: Michel Ghins (Université Catholique de Louvain)
Psillos vs. van Fraassen on the existence of atoms
2.30-3.30: Jos Uffink (University of Minnesota):
Geometrical notions in special relativity and thermodynamics
3.30-4.00: Tea
Chair: Eleanor Knox
4.00-5.00: Chris Timpson (Oxford):
Separability, Explanation, and Bell’s Theorem (and Everett)
5.00-6.00: George Svetlichny (Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro):
Lagrangian theories, Noether’s theorem, and all that.
6.00-7.00 Drinks reception
7.00-9.00 Conference dinner: BBQ at Wolfson College
Physical Relativity: 10 Years On
Tuesday 14th July (T.S. Eliot Theatre, Merton College)
9.15: Registration
Chair: Fred Muller
9.30-10.30: Wayne Myrvold (University of Western Ontario):
How could relativity be anything other than physical?
10.30-11.00: Coffee
11.00-12.00: Michel Janssen (University of Minnesota):
Minkowskian Pedagogy: Explanation in Special Relativity
12.00-1.00: Oliver Pooley (Oxford):
The dynamical approach from the perspective of general relativity: confessions of an apostate
1.00-2.30 Lunch
Chair: Steven French
2.30-3.30: Katherine Brading (University of Notre Dame):
Rods and clocks in Newton’s Principia
3.30-4.30: Julian Barbour (Oxford):
The creation of rods, clocks and structure by gravity
4.30-5.00: Tea
5.00-6.00: Dennis Lehmkuhl (Caltech):
The role of the geodesic theorem in the foundations of General Relativity