Convened by Oliver Pooley
The following seminars will take place at 4.30 p.m. on Thursdays, week 1 and weeks 3-8 in the Lecture Room of Radcliffe Humanities, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6GG.
Abstracts are posted weekly.
Thu 28th April (week 1): Roman Frigg (LSE, Philosophy)
‘Further rethinking equilibrium’.
Thu 5th May (week 2): NO SEMINAR
Thu 12th May (week 3): Yvonne Geyer (Oxford, Mathematics)
‘Rethinking quantum field theory: traces of string theory in Yang-Mills and gravity’
Thu 19th May (week 4): Eleanor Knox (Kings, Philosophy)
Novel Explanation and the Emergence of Phonons
Thu 26 May (5th week): Tim Palmer (Oxford, Physics)
P-adic Integers and quantum reality: towards a realistic locally causal theory of fundamental physics
Thu 2 June (6th week): Lev Vaidman (Tel Aviv, Physics)
In favor of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics
Thu 9 June (7th week): Sebastian de Haro (Amsterdam and Cambridge, Physics)
On dualities and emergence of diffeomorphism invariance
Thu 16 June (8th week): Shane Mansfield (Paris Diderot University – Paris 7, Computer Science)
Reality of the quantum state: towards a stronger psi-ontology theorem